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Governors' Information

Our school governing body takes the role of 'critical friend' as it monitors and assesses all the activities of the school pastoral, social, financial and academic.

The Full Governing Body will meet at least once per term with an additional meeting in May to approve the school budget.

Two sub committees of the Governors exist to examine aspects of the school's work in further detail;

the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Curriculum Committee.

Our Governors:

Tristan Hughes

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?

 Chair of Governors


Finance / Personnel

Headteacher Appraisal

24.5.21 - 23.5.25 None None

Rebecca Bowden

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?
Parent Governor

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Curriculum Committee


20.5.2019 - 19.5.2023 None None

Jayne McLaren

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?



Curriculum Committee

Pay Committee

6.10.19 - 4.10.23 None None

Bill Jones

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Finance / Personnel


Pay Committee

21.10.21 - 20.10.25 None None

Kevin Manley

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Finance / Personnel

1.10.19 - 1.10.23 None None

Louise  Lunt


Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Finance / Personnel

20.5.19 - 19.5.23 None None

Richard Thompson

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Finance / Personnel


Curriculum Committee

Whilst in post None None

Katy Bradley

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?
Staff Governor


Curriculum Committee

1.11.19 - 1.11.23 None Member of Staff

Laura Wade

Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Curriculum Committee

1.9.21 - 1.9.25 None None


Category of Governor Responsibility Committee Membership Term of Office Register of Interests Relationship with school staff?


Curriculum Committee


Attendance at Meetings 2021-22

Y = Attended

N = Apologies accepted

NA = Apologies not accepted

NS = No apologies sent

Blank = Not required


Full Governing Body


Full Governing Body


Finance and Staffing




Full Governing Body


Finance and Staffing

Full Governing Body


Mrs Rebecca Bowden Parent Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y
Mrs Katy Bradley Staff Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y
Mrs Louise Burns-Lunt Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mr Andrew Higham Local Authority Governor   Y Y   Y   N
Mr Tristan Hughes Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mr Kevin Manley Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mrs Jayne McLaren Co-opted Governor Y Y   Y Y   N
Miss Janet Monkley Co-opted Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y

Dr Laura


Parent Governor   Y   Y Y   Y
Mr Richard Thompson Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y   Y

Mr William Jones

Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y

Attendance at Meetings 2020 - 21

During this period, additional meetings of the Full Governing Body were held remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on school.

Y = Attended

N = Apologies accepted

    Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body  
    14.9.20 12.10.20 9.11.20 18.1.21 8.3.21 17.5.21 14.6.21 5.7.21 Total
Mrs Rebecca Bowden Parent Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mrs Katy Bradley Staff Governor Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y 8/9
Mrs Louise Burns Lunt Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 7/9
Mr John Edwards Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mr David Ellis Co-opted Governor Y Y Y N Y N N Y 6/9
Mr Tristan Hughes Co-opted Governor Y N N Y Y Y Y N 5/9
Mr William Jones Co-opted Governor Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y 8/9
Mr Kevin Manley Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mrs Jayne McLaren Co-opted Governor N N N Y Y Y Y Y 6/9
Miss Janet Monkley Co-opted Governor Y Y N N Y N Y Y 6/9
Mr Ed Spencer Parent Governor N Y Y Y Y N N N 4/9
Mr Richard Thompson Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9

Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee Terms of Reference

Membership: The voting members of the committee will consist of those Governors who nominate themselves, or are nominated, at the first Governing Body meeting each year. All other governors are invited to attend.

The voting members of this year are as follows:

Richard Thompson, Tristan Hughes, Louise Burns-Lunt, Bill Jones, Kevin Manley

Quorum: The quorum shall be three 'voting' governors.

Meetings: The committee will meet once per term, with additional meetings where necessary as determined by the Chair.

Terms of Reference

1 Annually, in consultation with the Head Teacher, to prepare and recommend a budget to the full governing body for the school for the coming Financial Year.

1a The budget must be completed taking into account input from other committees, School Development Plan, and the level of resourcing made available by outside agencies.

1b The timetable for this to be decided annually by the requisite guidelines laid down by the LA and DfE. 1c To ensure the school operates within the LA ‘Scheme of Delegated Funding’ and ‘Scheme of Funding’.

2 On a termly basis, to carry out regular comparisons of planned and real expenditure levels, and to act accordingly where relevant.

3a To approve, or otherwise, the virement, between budget lines, of amounts over and above the sum of £1500. Amounts of a lower sum to be vired at the discretion of the Headteacher.

3b In cases of emergency sums greater than £2500 may be vired with the agreement of the Chair of Governors and one other member of the Finance Committee. 2

3c To annually review the available balances of the school and to determine the allocation of those funds as required.

3d To review on a termly basis all Standards Fund devolved allocations

4 To examine, and where relevant, make recommendations on any other matter delegated to it by the Full Governing Body.

5 To support and guide the resourcing and actions of other governing body committees:

  i) Curriculum and Staffing

  ii) Pay 6 To determine a policy and agree charges for lettings.

7 To be aware of separate responsibilities of the LA and the governing body with regard to the school building and grounds.

8 To ensure that the LA and school management fulfill their responsibilities to the school building and grounds by regular notification of defects; and regular notifications of failure to remedy defects.

9 Insofar as the Governing Body's responsibilities are concerned, inter alia, to

a Ensure that day-to-day maintenance and cleaning is carried out in a satisfactory manner

b Ensure that preventative maintenance is carried out

c Identify large-scale works which may be required and make provision for their execution on a planned basis. To prioritise this work as necessary.

d To identify desirable improvements to the premises and to seek to have such improvements implemented. 10 To accept the responsibility for, and, to oversee the policy and practice of all Health and Safety matters relating to the school and subject to budgetary and other constraints, seek to ensure that actions arising from these responsibilities be carried out in accordance with best practice and in light of good Health and Safety recommendations.

11 Generally to consider and to have oversight of all matters concerning the management, care, maintenance and improvement of the Building and Grounds of the schools. 12 To review these terms of reference not less frequently than once per annum and, if necessary, to amend in the light of changing circumstances or experience.