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Mental Health

At Booker Avenue Junior School, we take the mental wellbeing of our young people very seriously. We work alongside outside agencies to support our children and have access to an array of support for children's mental health; ranging from both in-house and external agencies.

Mental Health Lead - Mrs J Novelli

Our children are also keen to help with looking out for each other and have trained 20 Year 6 pupils and will be training up 20 Year 5 children to become ROCKET Champions on 29th Nov - watch this space for what we have in store!

ROCKET Champions will support others to be...







Job description: To spread kindness and happiness across the school!

Mental Health Support Team, Alder Hey

Our school has an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) who work with the school for 1 morning each week. The Mental Health Support teams (MHSTs) can provide:

1) 1:1 low intensity, evidence-based interventions (age 8+) for:

  • Mild to moderate anxiety             
  • Mild to moderate low mood and depression
  • Low complexity phobia

2) 1:1 Parent-led interventions for children with challenging behaviour or mild anxiety (5-11yrs)

3) Evidence Based Groups and Workshops offering psychoeducation for mental health/emotional wellbeing difficulties for staff, parents/carers and/or children and young people.

4) Support for schools around the development of their WSA to mental health and wellbeing. This may include collaboration with the wider CAMHS partnership and schools, to offer:

  • Consultation, advice, and signposting
  • Mental health promotion activities, such as assemblies
  • Drop-in/coffee mornings
  • Training

5) Transition workshops, groups and 1:1 intervention (for low complexity cases).

Parents and Carers can contact Mrs Novelli, to make a referral into this service.

At Booker Avenue Junior School we buy into a service called 'Seedlings'. Seedlings is a creative therapy service for Liverpool’s primary schools. They work with children to explore and process feelings that are troubling them and develop confidence in expressing themselves. Sometimes when children are growing up, changes at home or at school can be difficult to deal with.

The Seedlings team support the emotional needs of children allowing them to develop, grow and to build their resilience. Difficult feelings can affect relationships with important people in our lives, when these feelings are expressed in therapy it becomes easier to understand and make sense of.

If you think your child would benefit from having Seedlings support, please contact Mrs Novelli.

Please note there is usually a waiting list for this service.

Information for parents and carers

  • YPAS
    YPAS delivers a wide range of wellbeing and therapeutic services for children, and young people aged 5 to 25 years old and their parents and families.

YPAS have a drop-in service that runs in 3 different loactions. Parents and carers can visit the hub without an appointment with or without your child. The can offer information, advice and guidance for your young person.

    The Liverpool CAHMS Partnership offers emotional and mental health support for children and young people in Liverpool.

  • Bullybusters
    Bullybusters CAMHS Support provides a responsive and effective service for those who are affected by or concerned about bullying in schools and the wider community.

  • Mind
    Information for young people aged 11-18

  • Kooth
    Mini-activities to boost your wellbeing