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Pupil Premium and Sport Premium

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to schools at the beginning of each financial year. The allocation is decided by a fixed amount per child, when the family is entitled to free school meals, when children are designated as ‘looked after children’ or when pupils are the children of Armed Services personnel. Schools are free to spend their Pupil Premium grant as they see fit. The Head Teacher has absolute discretion to decide, using all reasonable endeavors, how best the Pupil Premium be spent to benefit each child.

The Head Teacher will, so far as reasonable and practicable, consult with the senior leadership team, governing body, all staff and/or other interested parties, to assist him in making a well informed decision.


Booker Avenue Junior School does not necessarily associate eligibility for Pupil premium funding with low academic ability and therefore encourages all pupils to reach their full potential. We implement a range of measures aimed at improving attendance, behaviour and other factors which can affect all children’s achievement. Continuing professional development for staff, for example, is aimed at improving outcomes for all pupils including those eligible for Pupil Premium.

All staff are aware of which pupils are eligible. Resources are targeted at monitoring and accelerating their progress.