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Pupil Voice 2022​​​​​​​

What do the children say about PE in our school? 

The vast majority of pupils consistently achieve their learning objective within lessons and are assessed as being at expected standard for PE. Some pupils are working at greater depth standard. Pupils seem to really enjoy PE. The comments below are taken from a pupil voice survey completed in Autumn 2022

When the questions were asked, the children had just completed their athletics unit of work and were beginning either their invasion or gymnastics unit. 

Do you enjoy PE? If so, why? 

"I do enjoy PE. It's really fun, the teachers are nice. I also discover new sports and learn new skills."

Year 6 Pupil

"I enjoy PE because I like sports and it is fun for me."

Year 4 Pupil

"PE is fun because you learn to play games with your friends. You learn to follow rules and work together as a team."

Year 6 Pupil. 

Can you give me an example of a skill you have learnt recently? 

Both answers were in relation to learning how to take part in a relay in their athletics unit. 

"Relay races. We learnt how to pass the baton to our partner in lines."

Year 3 Pupil

"We have learnt how to carry out a relay race. We must look forward with our arm/hand stretched out behind our back. When our partner shouts run, we run whilst our partner places the baton in our hand. We have to time it right."

Year 6 Pupil. 

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle? 

"By eating healthy food and playing sports."

Year 4 Pupil

"Performing exercise everyday, eating healthy, staying calm and stress free. Having a healthy mind is important too and being happy."

Year 6 Pupil