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At Booker Avenue Junior School, we aim to provide our pupils with a range of opportunities to explore and think about:

1. How to stay safe - on the road, on our bike, around water and when we are put under pressure by our peers to take dangerous risks.

2. How to stay physically, emotionally and mentally healthy, including - understanding medicine, healthy lifestyle choices and the dangers of smoking and alcohol. 

3. How to be a responsible person, thinking about - the difference between borrowing and stealing in year 3, the importance of punctuality and rules, looking out for others and, in year 6, an understanding of consent and consequences.

4. How to manage our emotions, including - worries of a year 3 child, jealousy, anger and worries of a year 6 child. 

5. How to be a good citizen, understanding - British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of different religions and faiths), inclusion and acceptance, to celebrate diversity and how to break down barriers to living in a cohesive society.

6. How to function in the working world, understanding - the jobs people do to earn money, chores at home, enterprise and budgeting and the dangers of in-app purchases. 

7. How to stay safe online, including - making friends online in year 3, online bullying, sharing personal information or images online and making friends online in year 6. 

8. How to relate to ourselves and to others, learning about - touch, appropriate touch, puberty, adult relationships and conception in year 6.    

We aim for our pupils to be safe, by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to make good choices and to be able to seek help if they need it. We aim for our pupils to be proactive in making healthy choices for themselves and to understand how their choices impact on their own physical, emotional and mental health. We aim for our pupils to understand the importance of honesty and being a responsible person. We aim for our pupils to understand the diverse make-up of modern Britain and to practice the values of acceptance, respect and inclusion and to celebrate the diversity of people. We aim for our pupils to understand how our world works and the principles of enterprise and economy. We aim to teach them budgeting skills and for them to understand the importance of managing money responsibly. We aim to teach our pupils how to be a good friend; how to relate to themselves and others as they grow up; how to effectively communicate with others, with an appreciation for another person's thoughts and feelings; to understand changes to the body during puberty for boys and girls and to understand how adults can have babies (year 6 only).      


At Booker Avenue Junior School, we have implemented an award-winning resource called 1decison. Those resources, alongside the knowledge, skills and experience of our teachers, are used to deliver the intentions of our PSHE curriculum. We believe that 1decison provides excellent and up-to-date resources for teachers and pupils. Enabling the effective teaching of the objectives across the year groups and allowing the pupils to develop their knowledge and skills, year on year, within their PSHE lessons: demonstrating growing independence and maturity from year 3 to 6. 

We value the knowledge, skills and experience of our teachers and trust in their ability to adapt the resources in order to best suit the needs of their pupils. Our teachers understand how to implement a safe learning environment and how to deliver a PSHE curriculum which is age-appropriate and safe. Our teachers are skilled in managing difficult questions and always act in line with our school's child protection policy and practices.

You can read a more detailed breakdown of the PSHE objectives on this page.   

PSHE National Curriculum
Please visit the DFE website to read about the statutory requirements of PSHE