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Governors' Information

Our governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of our school. They focus on strategy, policy, budgeting, and staffing; working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.

Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing board meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. School governors are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the Headteacher and senior leaders.

Our Governors:

Tristan Hughes - Chair of Governors

Rebecca Bowden - Vice Chair

Jayne McLaren 

Bill Jones

Louise Lunt

Richard Thompson

Laura Wade

Louise Kelly

Robyn Middleton

Katy Bradley


Name of Governor Type of Governor Date appointed Governor Role Pecuniary Interests declared? Date of declaration
Mr Tristan Hughes Parent 24/05/2017 Chair None  
Mrs Rebecca Bowden Co-opted 20/05/2019 Vice-Chair None  
Mrs Jayne McLaren Co-opted 06/10/2011 Safeguarding Yes Sep 2024
Mr Bill Jones Co-opted 22/10/2013 Attendance None  
Ms Louise Burns-Lunt Co-opted 20/05/2019 Finance None  
Dr Laura Wade Parent 01/11/2021 SEND None  
Ms Louise Kelly Parent 29/01/2024 English None  
Mrs Robyn Middleton Parent 29/01/2024 Maths None  
Mr Richard Thompson Headteacher 01/09/2014 Headteacher Yes Dec 2023
Mrs Katy Bradley Staff 20/01/2016 Staff rep None  

Attendance at Meetings 2024-25

Y = Attended

N = Apologies accepted

NA = Apologies not accepted

NS = No apologies sent

  07/10/24 09/12/24 03/02/25 24/03/25 19/05/25 03/06/25
Mr Tristan Hughes Y          
Mrs Rebecca Bowden Y          
Mrs Jayne Mclaren Y          
Mr Bill Jones Y          
Mrs Louise Burns-Lunt N          
Dr Laura Wade Y          
Ms Louise Kelly Y          
Mrs Robyn Middleton N          
Mr Richard Thompson Y          
Mrs Katy Bradley Y          

Attendance at Meetings 2021-22

Y = Attended

N = Apologies accepted

NA = Apologies not accepted

NS = No apologies sent

Blank = Not required


Full Governing Body


Full Governing Body


Finance and Staffing




Full Governing Body


Finance and Staffing

Full Governing Body


Mrs Rebecca Bowden Parent Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y
Mrs Katy Bradley Staff Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y
Mrs Louise Burns-Lunt Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mr Andrew Higham Local Authority Governor   Y Y   Y   N
Mr Tristan Hughes Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mr Kevin Manley Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y
Mrs Jayne McLaren Co-opted Governor Y Y   Y Y   N
Miss Janet Monkley Co-opted Governor Y Y   Y Y   Y

Dr Laura


Parent Governor   Y   Y Y   Y
Mr Richard Thompson Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y   Y

Mr William Jones

Co-opted Governor Y Y Y   Y   Y

Attendance at Meetings 2020 - 21

During this period, additional meetings of the Full Governing Body were held remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on school.

Y = Attended

N = Apologies accepted

    Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body Full Governing Body  
    14.9.20 12.10.20 9.11.20 18.1.21 8.3.21 17.5.21 14.6.21 5.7.21 Total
Mrs Rebecca Bowden Parent Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mrs Katy Bradley Staff Governor Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y 8/9
Mrs Louise Burns Lunt Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 7/9
Mr John Edwards Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mr David Ellis Co-opted Governor Y Y Y N Y N N Y 6/9
Mr Tristan Hughes Co-opted Governor Y N N Y Y Y Y N 5/9
Mr William Jones Co-opted Governor Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y 8/9
Mr Kevin Manley Co-opted Governor Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9
Mrs Jayne McLaren Co-opted Governor N N N Y Y Y Y Y 6/9
Miss Janet Monkley Co-opted Governor Y Y N N Y N Y Y 6/9
Mr Ed Spencer Parent Governor N Y Y Y Y N N N 4/9
Mr Richard Thompson Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9/9