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At Booker Avenue Juniors, we are committed to providing equality of opportunity to all children. We believe that all children are entitled to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. We aim to make all children feel valued, respected and welcomed at Booker Avenue Juniors school and they will be fully included in all aspects of school life, whatever their additional educational need. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and creating a learning environment which is challenging but interesting, enjoyable and exciting for the children. School staff use their best endeavours to ensure that special educational needs are identified, assessed and appropriately met, enabling all children to have full access to all elements of our school curriculum.

The school has a policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) and follows the Code of Practice. When appropriate, referrals are made to specialist learning services and medical services. Any referral to an outside agency is undertaken with parental consent. Further details can be found in our SEN Information Report and SEND policy. Our SEN Information Report will also explain how SEN is identified, how parents are involved and who you can contact if you are not satisfied. 

If you have any concerns about your child/children's learning then please talk to your child's class teacher or contact our school SENCo, or member of the team, on the details below. Please also read our school SEN Information report, as it might also answer any questions about SEN that you have.

Miss A Majumdar – SENDCo

Liverpool ASD Training Team
The Liverpool ASD Training Team offers: workshops for parents/carers of children with a diagnosis of ASD; Social, Communication and Behaviour workshops (for parents/carers of children who are awaiting ASD assessment or on the pathway); Virtual Q and A sessions (no diagnosis or referral required). Please visit this website for upcoming dates and further information.