Rainbow Flag Award
As part of our mission to provide all KS2 pupils with a broad and diverse curriculum and school environment, we are on an ongoing journey to uphold and maintain the values of The Rainbow Flag Award.
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for primary schools, secondary schools and SEND schools. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility. The award encourages a whole school approach to positive LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBT-phobic bullying.
The award is broken down into 6 sections:
- Skilled teacher - Staff, including Senior Leadership Teams and non-teaching staff, can recognise and consistently challenge and report LGBT-phobia, and are confidently using positive and appropriate language around LGBT+ identities.
- Supportive governors and parents - Governors and parents understand the need to combat LGBT-phobia through positive education and representation, and know where to go for information, and if needed, support.
- Effective policies - Effective policies are in place to address LGBT- phobia and positively support whole-organisation LGBT+ inclusion.
- Inclusive curriculum - LGBT+ people and identities are positively represented across all areas of the curriculum. This includes lessons and activities that are LGBT+ inclusive, as well as those that are LGBT+ specific.
- Pastoral support - Children and young people wishing to explore/express their gender and/or sexuality feel supported to do so. Skilled staff from within the organisation support them, including through signposting and referrals to appropriate local youth work services.
- Student voice - Student-led initiatives are valued and supported to create an LGBT+ inclusive and positive environment.
As we move forward, we will continue to provide support and information to our school community beyond the classroom. Below, you will find various links and information that we feel are excellent resources to help those on their own journey, those supporting others on their journey, or those would simply like to know more.
www.theproudtrust.org/for-young-people - The Proud Trust are a charity who support LGBTQ+ youth. They have lots of help and advice for young people on their website.
https://www.liverpoolcamhs.com/support/gyro-ypas/ - GYRO is a collection of youth groups (separated by age) for young people who identify themselves as: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Trans*, or who are Questioning their sexuality or gender identity (LGBTQ+). They also have a sibling group ‘THE* (Trans* Health Education) Action Youth’ which specifically supports young people around gender identity.
If you are a child or young person in crisis, you can call the crisis care line 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0151 293 3577 but you should only present to Accident Emergency Department if you need medical treatment or are struggling to keep yourself safe in the immediate moment.
https://www.allsortsyouth.org.uk/ - Allsorts Youth Project listens to, connects and supports children and young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+) and their families.
Achieved Badges
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